1. Spinach Vitamins: A, C, K, E, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Supports eye health, boosts the immune system, aids in blood clotting, and helps maintain healthy skin and bones.

2. Kale: Vitamins: A, C, K, and B6. Benefits: Promotes healthy vision, strengthens the immune system, supports bone health, and may help reduce inflammation.

3. Sweet Potatoes: Vitamins: A, C, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Supports eye health, boosts the immune system, aids in digestion, and promotes healthy skin.

4. Carrots: Vitamins: A, C, K, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Enhances vision, boosts the immune system, supports healthy skin, and promotes cardiovascular health.

5. Bell Peppers: Vitamins: A, C, E, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Strengthens the immune system, promotes healthy skin, supports eye health, and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

6. Broccoli: Vitamins: C, K, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Boosts the immune system, supports bone health, aids in digestion, and may have cancer-preventive properties.

7. Strawberries: Vitamins: C, B6, K, and folate. Benefits: Supports the immune system, promotes heart health, aids in skin health, and may help regulate blood sugar levels.

8. Almonds: Vitamins: E, B2 (riboflavin), and folate. Benefits: Supports healthy skin, aids in brain function, helps lower cholesterol, and promotes cardiovascular health.

9. Avocados: Vitamins: C, E, K, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Supports heart health, promotes healthy skin, aids in digestion, and provides anti-inflammatory benefits.

10. Oranges: Vitamins: C, A, and several B vitamins. Benefits: Boosts the immune system, promotes skin health, supports heart health, and aids in iron absorption.